Statement of Faith
CHCC Statement of faith in PDF version
The story of CHCC so far
CHCC was formed in early 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic began to bite globally. Needless to say it was a challenging time to plant a church!
So why did we proceed?
- This vision has been prayed about for decades – for over thirty years since the first houses on the estate were built. These prayers have intensified during recent years.
- Between 2017-2020 a number of Christians sensed a conviction to plant a new church on this growing estate where many people already live and which will be doubling in size in the years ahead. This vision was tested thoroughly and confirmed by God in many different ways.
- Fourteen other local churches in the area were consulted and, whilst we gained support, advice and prayers, we found we were the only group seeking to plant a church here. So in February 2020 Christians from different denominations united to form the independent evangelical family church which is Chilton Hall Community Church (CHCC). Planting a church during a national lockdown did have it’s challenges. But God has been faithful and has helped us to establish in spite of these unique times, initially online, then meeting when we could at Chilton Primary School from June 2021 and then in His provision of a place to meet on the estate at the brand new Grace Cook Primary School from September 2022. We are thankful to God for His encouraging, sustaining and provision.
- We believe Jesus Christ wants to get alongside people on this estate to change lives; to bring his light, hope and healing to our community. He touches lives by his Spirit and through his church whose primary role is to share His Good News and display his character.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby says the church should be ‘simpler, humbler and bolder’ and ‘more Jesus shaped’. We agree and want to be like that. Loving, helping, encouraging, improving and bringing hope – not just now but for eternity. - We’ve had an exciting start but there is plenty yet to be done. During the pandemic, and following on from it, we have tried to offer Christ’s love to all, practical help to those in need; standing up for what is right; praying with and for our local community in times of need; creating activities for children, young people, the middle-aged and those who are more senior. We want to visit the isolated, the unwell and those who are lonely. We want to see light shine in the darkness of depression and anxiety. Find ways to help people bound by addiction, despair and fear. I guess our mission can be described by simply: bringing Christ’s hope and help!
- What do we believe? [Bible references supporting our beliefs are shown in brackets] We believe in one God who manifests Himself in three distinct ways – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God (Father) is the creator of the universe [Genesis 1:1], lives in Heaven, is the author of life everywhere and has provided the only way human beings can be rescued from our decaying bodies and a groaning society to get to Heaven [1 Timothy 2:5].
God intervened directly in human history 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ (God’s only Son) was born in Bethlehem [Luke 2:10-11]. He lived, prayed, healed, preached, encouraged, performed miracles, gathered followers and, after three years of ministry, gave himself up to the Roman authorities to be crucified in Jerusalem. He never did anything wrong so why should He… God… die?
The Judge was willing to replace us the guilty in the doc and be punished in their place. We who the Bible describes as ‘sinners’ can then be saved and go free [Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23]! This is the Christian gospel in a nutshell. This is grace and love in action! [1 John 4:1].
To prove who He was and to spur his followers to action death could not contain Jesus [Acts 2:24]. There is no grave, no body! Three days after his execution Jesus was resurrected and seen by over 500 witnesses at different times before He ascended into Heaven less than two months later [1 Corinthians 15:3-8].
Why leave when things were just getting so interesting?
Three reasons:
a) He had completed his mission [John 19:30 and Hebrews 10:12]
b) Although fully God he was limited to being in one place at one time and it was now time to delegate the mission to others. He was returning to Heaven where the Bible says that was going to prepare a place for those who would trust in him so they could go to be with him there too [John 14:2]. It would not be the end of Jesus on earth. He will return one day [John 14:3].
c) Another part of the character of God was coming to earth instead. The Holy Spirit literally traded places with Jesus arriving moments after Jesus left [John 14:16 and Acts 2:1-4]. He is God’s invisible personality and power on earth and he will complete the mission Jesus has started – part of which we know includes our own housing estate! He is not limited to one place at a time but is the eternal, continual, unlimited presence of God. He is the one who who brings Jesus close and enables his work to continue through the church. God’s Holy Spirit brings Jesus to life now, performs miracles, illuminates the teaching of the Bible and breathes spiritual life into our experience. God is very much still here with us. - We believe that The Bible is the inspired revelation of God [2 Timothy 3:16-17], explaining his purposes for humanity, the earth, the universe and all spiritual realms [Hebrews 4:12]. Above everything else the Bible introduces Jesus: who he is, what he’s done and what that means for us? The Bible is central to all we believe and do which can be simplified to four things [Acts 2:42]:
a) Learning together from the Bible how we should live before God and alongside others in our community (being Jesus shaped)
b) being united with, devoted to and living for each other in the community
c) Breaking bread together, both in remembering Jesus sacrifice for us (‘the Lord’s supper’ also known as ‘communion’) and by informally sharing hospitality with others
d) Praying with each other regularly and for each other every day.
In other words ‘Bringing Christ to life’.
If we can help you in any way please do get in touch.