About CHCC

We are an independent evangelical community church based on the expanding Chilton Hall and Chilton Leys estate in Stowmarket. We meet every Sunday at 10:30am at Grace Cook Primary School in Fuller Way on the Northfield View Estate (IP14 1GG).

Image used by kind permission of All Drone Photography

CHCC Statement of Faith is exactly the same as The Evangelical Alliance of whom we are members. You can access a PDF copy of our Statement of Faith here.

We are a growing church family with ever increasing opportunities to engage with and show love to our local community.

SInce CHCC was planted four years ago God has been nurturing and protecting us and enabling us to grow to a Christian community of around 50 people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone is welcome and we trust God to keep watering so that we can grow to share Jesus more effectively and reflect Him well!

Our aim is to bring Jesus Christ right into the heart of our local community. We believe He is God’s Son who came to engage with and encounter people of all ages. He is able to make the biggest difference to our lives here and in eternity. He cares deeply for us and the Bible is all about Him coming to rescue us from the personal, cultural and eternal consequences of our sinful actions. Central to that is the powerful message of His death on a cross outside Jerusalem and His resurrection three days later. He has unique divine power to back up His grace and mercy with strong, loving and life-changing actions.

Jesus Christ is our Saviour, our example, our motivation, our inspiration and, we hope His character is displayed in our actions, attitudes and activities. His word, the Bible is our ‘user manual’ and central in what we believe and teach. Famous Bible verses often read at Christmas underline these thoughts – Luke 2:10-12 – ‘But the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognise him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.’

If you are a Christian living in the area convinced God wants you to serve Him where you live, or if you are interested in faith issues, looking for friendship, prayer or answers to some of life’s big questions we would love to meet you so why not come along on a Sunday Morning at 10:30am?

Our Vision and Mission is explained on another page but in a nutshell we are:
– God honouring
– Christ following
– Holy Spirit inspired
– Bible based
– Praying
– Non-demominational
– Non-judgemental
– Evangelical
– Welcoming
– Caring
– Friendly
– Looking forward to meeting you.