
Meeting up for the first time in February 2020 we were only able to meet twice in person before lockdown in the UK. Then followed a period of great challenge but also great encouragement and blessing from God.

Shown below are some of the things we got involved in over the last four years to give you a flavour of life at CHCC (in reverse order)…

We had a wonderful morning for our Easter Family Fun Event On Saturday 30th March 2024 at Grace Cook School. We estimate between 150-200 people joined us and we gave away approx 70 Easter Eggs and booklets to children who had great fun with the egg hunt and craft and games. We are restricted in the photos we can show due to safeguarding but here are just a few as we set up for the event…

Trip to British Sugar Jan 2023…

The Shoebox Appeal Christmas 22…

Big Quiz 2022 at CHCC…

Harvest Festival 2022…

Churches Together Fun Day – Sat 27th Aug 2022…

CHCC at StowFiesta 2022

Harvest Service and Supper 2021…

Community Projects 2021…

Stowmarket Foodbank Support

We are happy to continue our support Stowmarket Foodbank in a number of ways and thank you to those who have donated, often anonymously, so far. Please see our Foodbank Support Page for more details.

Newsletter, Goodie Bags and ‘Real’ Easter Eggs 2021