About Chilton Hall Community Church

Please visit the About CHCC page for more info about our church family.

How to Contact CHCC

Please use the Contact Us page to get in touch or ask questions.

CHCC Vision and Mission

Please see Vision and Mission for more about what we believe and our community aims.

Welcome to Chilton Hall Community Church

CHCC Diary Aug-Oct 24

  • Sun 8th Sept – Service at Grace Cook School @ 10:30am – Speaker Paul Buss (Junior Church recommences)
  • Tue 10th Sept – Home Groups at 7:30pm
  • Sun 15th Sept – Service at Grace Cook School – Geoff Robinson – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 1
  • Tue 17th Sept – Home Groups at 7:30pm
  • Sun 22nd Sept – Service at the School – Speaker Linda Ottewell – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 2
  • Tue 24th Sept – Home Groups at 7:30pm
  • Sun 29th Sept – Service at the School – Speaker Alan Lancaster – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 3
  • Tue 1st Oct – All church meetup at the Barn (White Cottage Farm, Combs Lane, Stowmarket, IP14 3BN) – 7:30pm
  • Fri 4th Oct – Coffee & Chat at Nareys Cafe – 10:30am
  • Sun 6th Oct – Harvest Family Service at Grace Cook School @ 10:30am – Speaker Iain Shaddick
  • Tue 8th Oct – Live Lounge at Costa – 7:30pm – Quiz hosted by CHCC
  • Sun 13th Oct – Service at the School @ 10:30am – Speaker Linda Ottewell (includes communion) – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 4
  • Sun 13th Oct – Harvest Songs of Praise at Langham Manor @ 3:30pm
  • Tue 15th Oct – Home Groups at 7:30pm
  • Sun 20th Oct – Service at the School – Speaker Geoff Robinson – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 5
  • Tue 22nd Oct – Home Groups at 7:30pm
  • Sun 27th Oct – Family Service at the School – Speaker Jon Steed – ‘Can you believe it?’ Part 6

We meet at Grace Cook Primary School every Sunday at 10:30am

We are very excited to call Grace Cook Primary School our home in Fuller Way, Chilton Leys, Stowmarket, IP14 1GG. It is a lovely facility and we meet every Sunday at 10:30am and we would love you to join us.

Our services usually contain:

  • a warm welcome, including tea/coffee and biscuits.
  • A Junior Church session running at the same time in the schools lovely library and led by two DBS certificated helpers. Our JC is for primary aged children.
  • singing (worship) with live musicians or video with all the words on a big screen
  • a prayer led by one of our church family
  • teaching from the Bible
  • a final song, prayer or sometimes a chat about our theme for the day
  • we also have a prayer room for confidential prayer with anyone who would like that.
  • after the service we have the opportunity to spend time together as a church family having a catch up and getting to know one another better – and more tea/coffee and biscuits!

There is no dress code, no-one is excluded, no equipment or church experience is necessary and there is no requirement to understand the Christian faith in depth. Please just come as you are.

We now have ‘Junior Church’ every Sunday morning

We are delighted that we now have a ‘Junior Church’ session (Sunday school) up and running at the same time as our morning service at Grace Cook School every week. Catering for primary aged children with DBS cleared leaders, fun activities and utilising the lovely library space in the school. All children welcome.

ReIgnite Worship – Sun 28th July 2024

We were so privileged to be able to host the lastest ReIgnite Worship evening at Grace Cook Primary School. Just managing to fit all the cars in the car park we had approaching 100 people from many local churches who met together for an evening of praise to God. The next one is scheduled for 29th September at a Venue TBC. The videos below give a flavour of the evening…

Christianity Explored Course

We ran this informal course earlier this year in the home of one of our church family on Chilton Hall Estate. Preceeded by a meal together we had a wonderful time on this course exploring the good news about Jesus.
We will be holding another CE course later this year and you can register your interest by emailing us at chiltonhallchurch@gmail.com telling us you would like to attend.

Big Quiz for Tearfund 2024

We will again be hosting The Biq Quiz to raise funds for TEAR Fund on Saturday 16th November. Last year around 70 quizzers joined us to raise money for Tearfund. The winning team was ‘Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore’ but well done to all eleven teams who took part. The total raised in 2023 was exactly £350.00.

Harvest at CHCC

We had a lovely, lively time at both our Harvest Supper on Tuesday 3rd October at ‘The Barn’ and at our Harvest Family service on Sunday 8th October at Grace Cook School. The supper was delicioius and we also enjoyed the entertainment provided afterwards by Steve. Thanks to all involved.

Our family service included childen’s songs and stories, five different craft activities which were enjoyed by all ages, including ice the biscuit and wreath making. Following on from that we looked at the story of Ruth and Boaz in the Bible, even doing some harvesting together as we learned how God encourages us to share what we have with those who need help. We also sang some lovely Harvest hymns together, both old and new. We also had a lovely display of items collected for Stowmarket Foodbank.

Christian MP Shares Gospel with Parliamentarians

Nick Fletcher shares his faith in Jesus Christ with fellow MPs in a debate about the importance of Christianity to society.

More info about life at CHCC

We used to fill this page with recent news, photos and events detailing life at CHCC. This was getting too long for our home page so we have moved that to a new page called Gallery where you can see more about what we get up to.

CHCC Home Groups and Meetups

We currently meet every Tuesday evening from 7:30pm alternating between Home Groups on the estate and a monthly ‘Meetup’ at the Barn at White Cottage Farm on Combs Lane (IP14 3BN)

Several friends of CHCC meet up once a month for coffee and a chat on a Friday morning at either Osier at the Church or at Nareys. Please see our diary of events above for more information. Everyone wecome.

CHCC at StowFiesta 2023

We hope to be involved at StowFiesta 2023 on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May. Looking forward to seeing you there again this year.

Help at any time

If we can help anyone on Chilton Hall needing basic shopping, prescriptions collected, a listening ear, grass cut etc, prayer or support please get in touch with us via FB Messenger or by emailing chiltonhallchurch@gmail.com. Please share as appropriate. Thank you

Stowmarket Foodbank Support

We continue our support Stowmarket Foodbank in a number of ways and thank you to those who have donated, often anonymously, so far. Please see our Foodbank Support Page for more details.